Sunday, November 15, 2009

Time sure flies!!

Wow! It's hard to believe but we've been here two weeks now.

We have certainly settled into a routine. For me driving back and forth to the mall, making breakfast and lunch and coffee for breaks. I've been spending lots of time at the gym which has an outdoor pool which is heated (barely) but almost unused now as Californians think this weather (65-70F) is WINTER!!!

They have aquasize classes which are sparsely attended but great. In addition to some time on the treadmill and exercise bike (they have dozens of pieces of equipment but no rowing machine!! must ask why!!)

I have also been doing a dry land aerobics course called 'Zumba' it is sort of like a dance class if can imagine Zorba the Greek meets Tevye meets Bob Marley mixed in with a whole lot of salsa....great movement and really gets the heart rate up!!

The facility has just about everything, it's huge! There are four different weight rooms, toning tables, racquet ball and squash courts, basketball courts, the aforementioned swimming pool and segregated hot tubs and saunas.

They also have a bar (!!) with big screen TVs and food...which seems like a self defeating thing for a health club!!

I've now found all the really important places...EG Costco (Costco gas is 25 cents a gallon cheaper than anywhere in town!!), Trader Joes, seafood market, grocery store, Mexican bakery (!!) no great tamales yet but someone told me that the ones at Costco are hard to beat!!

Ross is loving the set he's on. This mall is much busier and there are frequently line ups which are a new experience!! The photo types have had trouble keeping up. There were problems with the camera yesterday which resulted in even longer lines.

He's having fun but is pretty bagged at the end of the much so that we didn't do anything beyond a smart cocktail for our 25th anniversary yesterday!

If he's not too bagged today (short day!) I will try and get him to put his thoughts online tonight.

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