Sunday, November 29, 2009

Black Friday has come and gone

Well here it is Sunday Nov 29 and we have completed another week here in Fresno. When last we left you we had just returned from the trip to Yosemite Nat'l Park. The next day was Friday - Black Friday - and I was kind of anxious about it. You have all heard about the crowds on that auspicious day, some even trampling people in an effort to get the best deal on various items that they just HAVE to have. So Ed dropped me off at my cave (fairly easily accessible even with the parking lots jammed to overflowing) and I made my entrance as per usual. I had no idea what to expect, so imagine my surprise when the mall traffic wasn't as bad as I expected! Photo places like ours can either be busier than ever on Black Friday or deader than a doornail. I mean why bring your young child to the mall with all those crowds. We were busy all day and the next day too. Seems like we have truly welcomed the Christmas season to Fashion Fair Mall as we were busy today (Sunday) too! People are now ready for Christmas and wanting their pictures with Santa.

There have been a few interesting experiences while on set:
- a mother wanted her child to just speak to Santa that she tried to jump the line and pushed her child in through the exit line - Santa was none too pleased about that and she left rather upset.
- 2 young girls only wanted their father to return home. Santa thought he may be overseas or away on business - NOPE! - He is in prison and won't be released for at least 5 years. That was difficult to deal with.
- a couple of chatterboxes that had multiple question about everything - reindeer, elf feeding habits, location of sleigh, reason Santa lives at the North Pole, what is Mrs. Claus doing, reason for not being able to see reindeer/elves/etc. And then there are the strong stoic types - nothing will get them to smile, move easily, or even speak.
- we have had many requests for anything electronic (iPod, iPod touch, XBox, etc), anything Barbie or Bratz dolls, and strangely a lot of requests for the Monster Dump Truck.
- many of our children are Hispanic - some speak some English, most don't. Santa does not speak Spanish so he asks lots of questions which remain unanswered for the most part. The only thing most of them understand is "candy".
- a couple of kids wanting only candy for Christmas. One young lad wanted candy, Santa asked what else he would like, he answered more candy, Santa asked if he wanted a toy like a truck, he answered "Yes, for more candy" - One track mind.
- some of the older teenagers have nothing they need so have been interested in being a secret Santa.
- and then there are the screamers -some we can get distracted enough to stop crying, others where it is a lost cause and we just take the picture anyway (parents can use these pics in later years for emotional blackmail). One young lad today decided he REALLY didn't want to speak or sit anywhere near Santa so threw a temper tantrum right in front of Santa's chair. Mom and I had a lovely chat while he had his little hissy fit.
-some families (one as large as 12), some groups of teens/seniors/women/college students wanting to sit on Santa's lap. One great grandmother brought all four generations for a photo.

Crew and Santa are working well together and many a time we have been able to turn a "just visiting" into a paid photo - sometimes with the whole family (who usually buy plenty of prints). We have also been rather successful in getting pics of children smiling with Santa. It may require work for all the crew (one on camera waiting for that perfect shot, one working with the troublesome child trying to get them to smile/laugh/giggle, and the other working the printers/manning the door/crowd control. It feels great when we can turn an umpleasant adventure for parents of unruly children into a cherished moment for years to come. We have also made goal for most days (I think we have only missed one day) and have been told we are 28% over last year at this time.

This company uses last year's daily total plus 8% as this year's goal. So if they had a great day last year, it may be difficult to make goal this year. But there is incentive for the crew - a bonus is given weekly to the crew with the highest overall average percentage over goal. It's something to work for!!

Most days I am so tired after work that we go home, I check my email, eat supper, and go to bed. And now the daily hours are extended (Mu to Sa - 10AM to 8PM; Su - 11AM to 7PM). We are having a bit of trouble with our candy canes. Even though they are triple boxed and wrapped in bubble wrap we are finding about 25% breakage - anyone know of some good recipes for using broken candy canes...........other than the incredibly good Jo-Jos from Trader Joes. The Oreo like cookies have an awesome cream centre - peppermint with finely chopped candy canes - YUUMMM!

Had our usual Sunday supper at this tiny Mexican place Ed found when we first got here. They have only been open since May but make some dynamite meals - all seafood. I usually get something with shrimp in it but tonight got talked into having the mahi platter. Very nice. They grill a piece of mahi then while it is being grilled cover it with a lid to steam it at the same time. Ed had a shirmp dish that was yummy as well.

Dogs are both adapting well and have got a routine. When Ed brings my lunch or coffee he always parks just outside the door to the cave. When Mojo hears my bells he races to me then back to the car. Teddy just gets out of the car and waits for me to come to pat him - seniority has its priviledges!

Still have a youthful following here in the park. Most of the children know I am Santa and all call me by that name. One young girl has taken to just coming over to the motor home, sticking her head in through the latch cover in the screen door (or knocking on the outside door) and asking if Santa is here. Ed usually has to tell her that I am at work and she goes back home.

Should get to bed as tomorrow I have two phone interviews, a beard bleaching, and some shopping to do!!!!

Take care and give yourselves a big hug from us.

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