Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Kids say the darnest things

So I am sitting in Santa's chair talking with all the good girls and boys today when a young man and his mother came through the door. He was smiling and laughing, then raced to me to give me a hug. I bent down to place him on my lap and the following conversation ensued:
Santa: Well, have you been a good boy this year?
Child: (loudly) Yes...........I'm free
Mother: Actually he's just about four
Child: No, I'm not, I'm free.
Santa: So, what can Santa bring to you this Christmas?
Child: (loudly) Candy!
Santa: (laughing) Well, would you like anything else other than candy?
Child: Yeah!!
Santa: What would you like other than candy?
Child: More candy!!
Santa: How about some toys?
Child: Yeah
Santa: How about some cars or a truck?
Child: A choo-choo!
Santa: A train? You want a train?
Child: Yeah, to get more candy!!

Well that ended that visit!! I laughed for 5 minutes!!

Lots of children and we have made most of our goals that corporate office has set. Still a great job - where else can you look into a child's eyes and see their absolute belief in Santa? Ed is piling on the mileage driving between the mall, the gym, and the motor home.

Weather was overcast today and cooler but the sun did poke out this afternoon (as if I could take advantage of it!). Might rain tomorrow but then the sun comes back out for the next 5 days. Cooler than I expected but by looking at what people are wearing you would think the next ice age was coming - parkas, toques (or stocking caps as they are known here), even mittens and scarves.

Dogs are getting some exercise but also getting bored going from the motor home to the car, then waiting for what seems ever, then out for a pee, back in the car, and back to the motor home. Ed continues to go to the gym most days taking either an aquasize class or a zumba class (aerobics meets salsa with some yoga thrown in for good measure) and we think he is losing some weight.

Hope all is well with everyone. Take care

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