Saturday, November 21, 2009


We spent the morning watching our 'across the street' neighbors pack up their unbelievable amount of stuff before heading back to Texas. He is a specialized RN who was working here on contract but had every toy you can imagine that someone living in a motorhome could have, boat, kayak, bicycles, etc. etc.

They weren't out of the park yet when the maintenance crew were on their site pruning, edging and mowing...they had been there for several months and it needed a trim!!

By this time of course, Ross was off to the mall and I was just getting used to the open space across the street and watching the painters paint the trailer next door...two tones, Wedgewood blue and white....when a gentleman knocked on our door.

Turns out he lives in one of the huge motorhomes up the street a ways....from Texas, natch! He is here working on a huge natural gas storage facility somewhere nearby. According to him this is a huge project and will attract workers from all over the country who will all be looking for places to park RVs.

Anyway he wanted to know if we could move our car because one of his team was arriving and was checking into the spot across the street from us!! So much for the open space!

He and his wife are 'full timers' that is, they live year around in their motorhome and don't even own a house anymore. Though he indicated that at age 70 this is probably his last big project and now that his wife has fully recovered from her kidney transplant he feels that it's time to settle down!!

The remainder of my 'break' before I had to get coffee to Santa at the mall was taken up with a lovely long chat with my daughter Carolyn who is currently in Fredericksburg TX with her maternal Grandmother who has just lost her sister.

After that I had a brief chat with the manager of our park...and I asked her about an ad for an RV repair service that is posted in our laundry room. "Oh, don't call him, he's useless....I meant to take that ad down!!"

She asked what needed I showed her....I was trying to open the awning a few days ago when one of the brackets literally pulled right out of the side of the RV. This left the support arm of the awning dangling in the breeze...rendering the whole machine un-driveable!!

Oh, says Kathy, there are a couple of guys here in the park who work on RVs....I'll go find one of them. Ten minutes later she returns with Shane who looked at the dangling arm and knew right away what needed to be done. "I'll be back in ten minutes" and he was! With tools and parts in hand.

Turns out he's 'between jobs' right now so he is going to do a couple of other projects for us...after all the beast is five years old and it's got all kinds of things that need attention.

Tomorrow is Ross' short day 'almost like a day off' only noon to 6PM...wheee...then Monday is a real day off. So we will have to see what trouble we can get into!!

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