Monday, February 8, 2010

Carrots, and Celery, and Carnitas!!

After we’d shopped till we dropped in Mexico and stuffed ourselves at the Q buffet we headed out on February 4 for the Hot Springs LTVA near Holtville.

This is not as attactive at the LTVA near Quartzsite but it has the advantage of a natural hotspring that has been channeled into a small concrete pond. There is also a large ‘fountain’ of hot water and a hose coming off the spring that you can use to fill buckets and bottles to take away with you. From the main hot pool the water flows into a smaller pool and then out into a natural pond.

There is obviously lots of geothermal activity here as there is a huge geothermal power plant just up the road that glows brilliantly at night.

After we settled in Bruce took us for the two dollar tour of the area and then into El Centro which is about twenty minutes away. El Centro is just that, the commercial center of the Imperial Valley which at one time was part of the Sea of Cortez and now comprises acres and acres of fertile agricultural land growing every type of vegetable that one can think of year around. The miracle of irrigation using water diverted from the Colorado River makes what would otherwise be desert into a green and bountiful oasis.

Among our discoveries was a full size Hispanic market called Cardenas. It is the size of an ordinary supermarket but is totally geared to Hispanic foods and what a treat!! It was so great that we have already made a second visit.

Besides the hot springs our principal reason for stopping in Holtsville was to take in the Holtville Carrot Festival parade. This event which is part of the Holtville Carrot Festival is a highlight of the Festival and is held on Saturday Morning this year February 6.

Sadly, after weeks of sun Saturday morning dawned rainy, windy and cold. But stouthearted types that we are we still trouped down and stood to watch the spectacle.

The rain did not dampen the enthusiasm of the Holtvillians and they turned out in droves. The rain more or less held off for the parade with teasing bits of blue sky on the horizon…but right as the parade ended the heavens opened!!

The parade included five marching bands, floats from every organization in Holtville including the pre-schools, kindergartens, and social clubs. Every vehicle that belonged to the City of Holtville was there too (including the meter reader, dog catcher, and street sweeper) Garbage trucks to fire engines all were shined and bedecked in crepe and carrots and were ridden by friends and family alike!!

There were numbers of folkloric dance groups in their colorful outfits, mariachis, horses, politicians, firemen (!) Sherrifs, and every other level of law enforcement. It was truly a day for Holtvillians to shine!

Bruce took us to his favorite Mexican restaurant where we stuffed ourselves (again) Camarones Ranchero and Huachinango Frita!! After which we went our separate ways to shop, shop, shop. Found lots of cute things for Emily!!

By early evening the rain had stopped but the wind picked up and pretty much howled all night. Ross was up and out at 1AM to try and nail things down. The wind continued right through Sunday but didn’t stop us from a dip in the hot springs….very relaxing!

Gentle readers: We have heard some requests for photos but here in the desert our connectivity is very limited 153kbps which is glacial!! Sorry, but photos will just have to wait until we are better connected! We will let you know when to visit Flickr!!

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